
MEDITATION rejuvenates, energizes and makes you happy. My name is Inna, and I am your guide in this process. I specialise in transmitting applied yogic knowledge to university students, academics, and entrepreneurs.


MEDITATION rejuvenates, energizes and makes you happy. My name is Inna, and I am your guide in this process. I specialise in transmitting applied yogic knowledge to university students, academics, and entrepreneurs.


Why Meditation?

Meditation transforms our inner reality helping us create new external reality.


What kind of meditation?

The foundation of our life is breath. I mostly rely on Kundalini breathing techniques, which in my experience are the most effective and bring immediate result. Some of these techniques are universally practiced in various schools of yoga (e.g. bhastrika, anuloma viloma), while others are unique to Kundalini.


Numbers Speak!

Everything is just starting!
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Hours of Practice
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New Souls Met
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Meditations & Kriyas
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Hours of Practice
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New Souls Met
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Meditations & Kriyas

Scientifically approved benefits of meditation

Numerous rigorous scientific studies demonstrated that meditation is associated with a sense of peacefulness, physical relaxation, sleep quality, and, most recently that, through compassion, it is associated with sustainable decisions in entrepreneurial situations (Hulsheger et al.; Engel et al.). Moreover, it is now a proven fact – regular meditation practice re-builds grey matter and the brain regions associated with attention, interoception and sensory processing are thicker among meditation practitioners than among matched controls (Lazar et al.). So lets come together and meditate


Amazing, Inna, how you can guess our feeling states. When we needed to wake up – we woke up; when we needed to balance emptions – we balanced the emotions. Thank you very much! I really like it!
Anna E
I’m very happy to have had this healing. It’s been the second time. I felt straight away the healing energy where I need it most (my legs). The heaviness of my leg disappear and felt lighter with no pain. I saw a very bright light as well.
Iliana T
Yes, such a nice positive start of the day, for both body and mind. Highly advised. Easy exercises and breathing practices help to balance, energise and tune into a good day.
Julia G
At a certain point, I felt more calm, and started feeling a lot of confidence and courage to the extent I did not feel before. I felt so much inner power and confidence, it was just wonderful. It just doesn’t happen to me! I didn’t have this super natural experience before! I am super grateful!
Cristiane Z
Inna, thank you very much for the meditation practice today! I have discovered new feelings for myself 😉 It turns out devoting just 30 minutes to yourself and own breath, concentration on feelings in our life is not that easy, especially when we are always in a rush. ))) Friends, please join!
Galina S
It was awesome, great experience! I felt extremely relaxed and room environment was great. I was thirsty afterwards (perhaps due to dehydration I was not aware of).
Will H
Amazing, Inna, how you can guess our feeling states. When we needed to wake up – we woke up; when we needed to balance emptions – we balanced the emotions.  Thank you very much! I really like it!
Anna E
At a certain point, I felt more calm, and started feeling a lot of confidence and courage to the extent I did not feel before. I felt so much inner power and confidence, it was just wonderful. It just doesn’t happen to me! I didn’t have this super natural experience before! I am super grateful!
Cristiane Z
I’m very happy to have had this healing. It’s been the second time. I felt straight away the healing energy where I need it most (my legs). The heaviness of my leg disappear and felt lighter with no pain. I saw a very bright light as well.
Iliana T
Yes, such a nice positive start of the day, for both body and mind. Highly advised. Easy exercises and breathing practices help to balance, energise and tune into a good day.
Julia G
Inna, thank you very much for the meditation practice today! I have discovered new feelings for myself 😉 It turns out devoting just 30 minutes to yourself and own breath, concentration on feelings in our life is not that easy, especially when we are always in a rush. ))) Friends, please join!
Galina S
It was awesome, great experience! I felt extremely relaxed and room environment was great. I was thirsty afterwards (perhaps due to dehydration I was not aware of).
Will H


There are thousands of yoga teachers around the world and millions of happy practitioners. How do you know which teacher to choose? Well, you can have a look at their Instagram profile, the way they write and market themselves… Yet, seeing the essence and authenticity is more important than any modern age marketing tricks. The best way to find out is to join a free course and see whether a teacher is aligned with your soul vibrations, whether you transform in his/her space and feel the light within you.